Monday, November 28, 2016

Man’s Replacement Galaxy Note 7 Catches Fire, Samsung Accidentally Texts ‘I Can Try and Slow Him Down’ []

Man’s Replacement Galaxy Note 7 Catches Fire, Samsung Accidentally Texts ‘I Can Try and Slow Him Down’ []

A third replacement Samsung Galaxy Note 7 has caught fire in Kentucky earlier this week. Not only did the incident send the device’s owner to the hospital after suffering from smoke inhalation. Someone at Samsung sent him a text that was apparently meant for a colleague: “I can try and slow him down if we think it will matter.”

Read more… Man’s Replacement Galaxy Note 7 Catches Fire, Samsung Accidentally Texts ‘I Can Try and Slow Him Down’

[] Man’s Replacement Galaxy Note 7 Catches Fire, Samsung Accidentally Texts ‘I Can Try and Slow Him Down’

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