Monday, July 10, 2017

‘Panda’ Porpoise Could Be Extinct In Months []

‘Panda’ Porpoise Could Be Extinct In Months []

Vaquitas are cartoonish-looking porpoises that swim around, bothering literally no one. These little guys, which only weigh about 120 pounds, are found in just one region in the world— the Northern Gulf of California. Their nickname—the “panda” porpoise—comes from the dark rings around their eyes, similar to that of…

Read more… ‘Panda’ Porpoise Could Be Extinct In Months

[] ‘Panda’ Porpoise Could Be Extinct In Months

Mickey Mouse Becomes a Transformer, and the Rest of the Coolest Toys We Saw This Week []

Mickey Mouse Becomes a Transformer, and the Rest of the Coolest Toys We Saw This Week []

Honestly, this is usually the bit of Toy Aisle where we tease the rest of the fancy toys and merchandise we’ve spotted over the past week. But when you learn that there’s a goddamn giant Mickey Mouse mecha that turns into a truck, Optimus Prime-style, do you really need to know what else there is in here? Let’s…

Read more… Mickey Mouse Becomes a Transformer, and the Rest of the Coolest Toys We Saw This Week

[] Mickey Mouse Becomes a Transformer, and the Rest of the Coolest Toys We Saw This Week

Alien’s Ripley Is My Favorite Action Hero Ever []

Alien’s Ripley Is My Favorite Action Hero Ever []

Not heroine. Hero, period. While it’s rad that Ellen Ripley happens to be a woman, that doesn’t at all impact her level of badassery—though it does inform her character in ways that make her much more interesting than virtually any other cinematic hero. She’s complicated, she feels real, and I have total confidence the…

Read more… Alien’s Ripley Is My Favorite Action Hero Ever

[] Alien’s Ripley Is My Favorite Action Hero Ever

12 Monkeys’ Amanda Schull on the New Season, Giving Birth to the Villain, and ’80s Fashion []

12 Monkeys’ Amanda Schull on the New Season, Giving Birth to the Villain, and ’80s Fashion []

Syfy’s 12 Monkeys is in an… interesting situation. The show has already been renewed for a fourth and final season, but season three—which premieres tonight, May 19, at 8:00 pm ET—is going to air in its entirety over the course of this weekend! We talked to star Amanda Schull, who plays Cassandra Railey, about this…

Read more… 12 Monkeys’ Amanda Schull on the New Season, Giving Birth to the Villain, and ’80s Fashion

[] 12 Monkeys’ Amanda Schull on the New Season, Giving Birth to the Villain, and ’80s Fashion

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Could a Facehugger Implant an Alien in Your Butt? []

Could a Facehugger Implant an Alien in Your Butt? []

Salutations, my pensive postage meters. In honor of Prometheus 2: The Search for Michael Fassbender’s Severed Head’s Gold, I bring you an answer to the biggest mystery in the Alien universe. Plus, the best Game of Thrones episode, the age conundrums of both Gotham and the Star Wars prequels, and… (dun dun dunh) I…

Read more… Could a Facehugger Implant an Alien in Your Butt?

[] Could a Facehugger Implant an Alien in Your Butt?

The First Reactions for Wonder Woman Are Spectacular []

The First Reactions for Wonder Woman Are Spectacular []

The release of Wonder Woman is just a few short weeks away and DC’s latest film is currently screening for the media. Full reviews are still under embargo—but tonight, Warner Bros. allowed non-spoiler reactions on social media, and they were almost overwhelmingly positive.

Read more… The First Reactions for Wonder Woman Are Spectacular

[] The First Reactions for Wonder Woman Are Spectacular

Carrie Brownstein Will Direct Fairy Godmother, a Movie That Suddenly Just Got Way Cooler []

Carrie Brownstein Will Direct Fairy Godmother, a Movie That Suddenly Just Got Way Cooler []

So, MGM has this teen romance called Fairy Godmother that’s about to go into production. You’re bored already. But! What sounds like a sappy fantasy suddenly got extremely interesting, because the studio just made an unexpectedly awesome choice when it hired a director: Carrie Brownstein.

Read more… Carrie Brownstein Will Direct Fairy Godmother, a Movie That Suddenly Just Got Way Cooler

[] Carrie Brownstein Will Direct Fairy Godmother, a Movie That Suddenly Just Got Way Cooler

Mera’s Outfit in Aquaman Is Mermaid-y as Hell []

Mera’s Outfit in Aquaman Is Mermaid-y as Hell []

Director James Wan is currently in Australia filming his 2018 DC film, Aquaman, and he just revealed a brand new look at Mera, the Queen of Atlantis. It’s very iridescent, very colorful, and it looks like something a sporty mermaid might have in her wardrobe.

Read more… Mera’s Outfit in Aquaman Is Mermaid-y as Hell

[] Mera’s Outfit in Aquaman Is Mermaid-y as Hell

The Venom Movie Has Chosen Its Star/Symbiote Host: Tom Hardy []

The Venom Movie Has Chosen Its Star/Symbiote Host: Tom Hardy []

Variety is reporting that Tom Hardy, who played Bane in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises, will next play another iconic comic book villain, Venom. The frequent Spider-Man villain is getting his own film next year, which will be directed by Ruben Fleischer, who made Zombieland.

Read more… The Venom Movie Has Chosen Its Star/Symbiote Host: Tom Hardy

[] The Venom Movie Has Chosen Its Star/Symbiote Host: Tom Hardy

Here’s How Much Bubble Wrap You Need To Wrap A Giant Whale Heart []

Here’s How Much Bubble Wrap You Need To Wrap A Giant Whale Heart []

It’s not every day one stumbles upon a 400 pound whale heart, but when you do, you put that shit in a museum. Thankfully, that’s exactly what the folks at the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) did when they uncovered a dead blue whale in Newfoundland back in 2014. Since then, biologist Jacqueline Miller and her team at ROM…

Read more… Here’s How Much Bubble Wrap You Need To Wrap A Giant Whale Heart

[] Here’s How Much Bubble Wrap You Need To Wrap A Giant Whale Heart

The Survivors of the Coming Apocalypse Just Wanna Have Fun []

The Survivors of the Coming Apocalypse Just Wanna Have Fun []

“I used to be into guns, but that’s not a realistic plan,” says Michael Robertson, 69, of Utah. “How many men do you need to guard a place 24 hours a day? Twenty?”

Read more… The Survivors of the Coming Apocalypse Just Wanna Have Fun

[] The Survivors of the Coming Apocalypse Just Wanna Have Fun

Doctor Who Michelle Gomez on ‘The End of an Era’ for Missy []

Doctor Who Michelle Gomez on ‘The End of an Era’ for Missy []

For nearly three years Michelle Gomez has delighted and horrified Doctor Who fans as Missy, the latest maniacal incarnation of the Master. But ahead of her return to the series in this weekend’s episode, we sat down to speak with her about how it might herald the final bow for her time on the show.

Read more… Doctor Who Michelle Gomez on ‘The End of an Era’ for Missy

[] Doctor Who Michelle Gomez on ‘The End of an Era’ for Missy

Marvel Trolled Fans to Keep a Major Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Plot Twist Secret []

Marvel Trolled Fans to Keep a Major Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Plot Twist Secret []

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 features one of the most emotionally charged deaths in all of Marvel’s cinematic universe, and according to James Gunn, Marvel was able to keep it under wraps before the movie’s premiere by trolling fans.

Read more… Marvel Trolled Fans to Keep a Major Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Plot Twist Secret

[] Marvel Trolled Fans to Keep a Major Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Plot Twist Secret

The First Trailer for Netflix’s Fantasy Film Okja Is All About Heartbreak and Evil Corporations []

The First Trailer for Netflix’s Fantasy Film Okja Is All About Heartbreak and Evil Corporations []

The first official trailer for Bong Joon-Ho’s Okja has everything. A superhippo, an evil corporation fronted by Tilda Swinton, and an important message about the power of love.

Read more… The First Trailer for Netflix’s Fantasy Film Okja Is All About Heartbreak and Evil Corporations

[] The First Trailer for Netflix’s Fantasy Film Okja Is All About Heartbreak and Evil Corporations

Today’s Best Deals: Under Armour Apparel, Kamado Grill, SoundBuds, and More []

Today’s Best Deals: Under Armour Apparel, Kamado Grill, SoundBuds, and More []

Anker’s newest SoundBuds, a Big Green Egg alternative, and a huge Under Armour apparel sale lead off Friday’s best deals from around the web.

Read more… Today’s Best Deals: Under Armour Apparel, Kamado Grill, SoundBuds, and More

[] Today’s Best Deals: Under Armour Apparel, Kamado Grill, SoundBuds, and More

A New Look at Proxima b’s Potential Climate Offers Hope for Future Colonists []

A New Look at Proxima b’s Potential Climate Offers Hope for Future Colonists []

Ever since astronomers announced the discovery of an Earth-sized exoplanet less than five light years down the cosmic street, the question on every good space cadet’s mind has been whether or not we can colonize it. We’re not going to know if Proxima b is habitable until we can point some very powerful telescopes at it

Read more… A New Look at Proxima b’s Potential Climate Offers Hope for Future Colonists

[] A New Look at Proxima b’s Potential Climate Offers Hope for Future Colonists

Everything the Discovery Trailer Tells Us About the Future of Star Trek’s Past []

Everything the Discovery Trailer Tells Us About the Future of Star Trek’s Past []

Last night we got our first good look at the new Star Trek TV series, Discovery; its trailer was packed with some gorgeous shots, as well as new ships, uniforms, and tech of the show, which is set 10 years before the original series. Here’s everything we noticed.

Read more… Everything the Discovery Trailer Tells Us About the Future of Star Trek’s Past

[] Everything the Discovery Trailer Tells Us About the Future of Star Trek’s Past

Can a Pill Make You More Moral? []

Can a Pill Make You More Moral? []

It’s a reasonable goal to want everyone on Earth to be more moral. Maybe there’d be less suffering, and people would be happier or more prosperous. But what is morality? Are there any drugs that can make us more moral humans? Are they ready for us to debate about their use?

Read more… Can a Pill Make You More Moral?

[] Can a Pill Make You More Moral?

Supernatural Is Crossing Over With Scooby Doo Next Season []

Supernatural Is Crossing Over With Scooby Doo Next Season []

I guess when you are fated to run until the end of time itself, at some point an animated crossover is a natural turn of events. Announced at the currently ongoing CW Upfronts presentation, the 13th season of Supernatural—unlucky for some, but clearly not the Winchesters—will feature an all-animated episode, which…

Read more… Supernatural Is Crossing Over With Scooby Doo Next Season

[] Supernatural Is Crossing Over With Scooby Doo Next Season

Duck Me, Ducktales Has Added Lin-Manuel Miranda as Gizmoduck []

Duck Me, Ducktales Has Added Lin-Manuel Miranda as Gizmoduck []

Man, the cast for the new DuckTales cartoon was already pretty insane. And now it just got somehow even better.

Read more… Duck Me, Ducktales Has Added Lin-Manuel Miranda as Gizmoduck

[] Duck Me, Ducktales Has Added Lin-Manuel Miranda as Gizmoduck

More Hints of Luke Skywalker’s Journey in Star Wars: The Last Jedi []

More Hints of Luke Skywalker’s Journey in Star Wars: The Last Jedi []

The next Godzilla film casts a former Game of Thrones star. Pearl Mackie discusses her Doctor Who future. The screenwriter for the Mortal Kombat movie reboot talks about his goals. Plus, teasers for what’s to come on the next season of Legends of Tomorrow, and more new Wonder Woman images. Go, Spoilers!

Read more… More Hints of Luke Skywalker’s Journey in Star Wars: The Last Jedi

[] More Hints of Luke Skywalker’s Journey in Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Even More Rumors About the Next Director of The Flash Movie []

Even More Rumors About the Next Director of The Flash Movie []

Sony might have a shortlist to play its first Valiant Comics hero. A former Game of Thrones star joins Amazon’s Philip K. Dick anthology. There’s a tiny chance Karl Urban could be part of the Judge Dredd TV show. Plus, trailers for Arrow and Flash’s season finales, and new Star Trek: Discovery pictures. Spoilers now!

Read more… Even More Rumors About the Next Director of The Flash Movie

[] Even More Rumors About the Next Director of The Flash Movie

Cold War Nuclear Explosions Freakishly Impacted Space Weather []

Cold War Nuclear Explosions Freakishly Impacted Space Weather []

The overdrawn game of nuclear chicken between the USSR and the United States—now known as the Cold War—lasted about 45 years. While neither superpower ever deployed nukes on each others’ soil, high-altitude bomb testing caused a kerfuffle in Earth’s atmosphere. Though the conflict has (thankfully) long since ended, …

Read more… Cold War Nuclear Explosions Freakishly Impacted Space Weather

[] Cold War Nuclear Explosions Freakishly Impacted Space Weather

This Batman Joke Was Months in the Making, and the Payoff Was Totally Worth It []

This Batman Joke Was Months in the Making, and the Payoff Was Totally Worth It []

Tom King’s run on Batman hasn’t been afraid to dive deep into the darkest or weirdest aspects of the Dark Knight’s mythos. But it’s also been unafraid of poking some fun at the more goofy parts of Bat-canon. Case in point, a joke about one of Bruce’s silliest villains that began a year and a half ago, and finally paid…

Read more… This Batman Joke Was Months in the Making, and the Payoff Was Totally Worth It

[] This Batman Joke Was Months in the Making, and the Payoff Was Totally Worth It

Latest Trailer for The Mummy Confirms That Tom Cruise Will Have Monster-Fighting Superpowers []

Latest Trailer for The Mummy Confirms That Tom Cruise Will Have Monster-Fighting Superpowers []

Universal’s hoping that its reboot of the Mummy franchise will be just the kind of hit that’ll sell the world on its shared universe of gods and monsters. The latest trailer for the movie shows just how different this take on the Mummy story will be.

Read more… Latest Trailer for The Mummy Confirms That Tom Cruise Will Have Monster-Fighting Superpowers

[] Latest Trailer for The Mummy Confirms That Tom Cruise Will Have Monster-Fighting Superpowers