Friday, July 7, 2017

Matthew Vaughn, Robert Zemeckis, and Sam Raimi Have All Entered The Flash Movie’s Potential-Director Roulette []

Matthew Vaughn, Robert Zemeckis, and Sam Raimi Have All Entered The Flash Movie’s Potential-Director Roulette []

Turn on your TV any Tuesday night and you’ll see that The Flash is a great live-action character. When it comes to his big screen solo debut, however, things have had trouble getting up to speed. Now three top-tier directors are reportedly in talks for a job that no one seems too keen to keep.

Read more… Matthew Vaughn, Robert Zemeckis, and Sam Raimi Have All Entered The Flash Movie’s Potential-Director Roulette

[] Matthew Vaughn, Robert Zemeckis, and Sam Raimi Have All Entered The Flash Movie’s Potential-Director Roulette

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