Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Olympic Athletes Are Complaining They Can’t Play Pokémon Go And It’s So Sad []

Olympic Athletes Are Complaining They Can’t Play Pokémon Go And It’s So Sad []

Dear Niantic, you could’ve done better.

Read more… Olympic Athletes Are Complaining They Can’t Play Pokémon Go And It’s So Sad

[] Olympic Athletes Are Complaining They Can’t Play Pokémon Go And It’s So Sad

Watch A Robot Possibly Discover Weird Shit on The Ocean Floor []

Watch A Robot Possibly Discover Weird Shit on The Ocean Floor []

Space may be called the “final frontier” but what about unexplored areas that are on our very own Earth?

Read more… Watch A Robot Possibly Discover Weird Shit on The Ocean Floor

[] Watch A Robot Possibly Discover Weird Shit on The Ocean Floor

It’s Official: Game of Thrones Ends After Season 8 []

It’s Official: Game of Thrones Ends After Season 8 []

The night is dark and full of terrors, also sadness. HBO has confirmed that Game of Thrones’ eighth season will be its last.

Read more… It’s Official: Game of Thrones Ends After Season 8

[] It’s Official: Game of Thrones Ends After Season 8

Uncharted Writer Joe Carnahan Wants Naughty Dog’s Help on Film []

Uncharted Writer Joe Carnahan Wants Naughty Dog’s Help on Film []

The Uncharted film’s new writer, Joe Carnahan, is looking for a little creative help in bringing the video game to life, so he’s reaching out to the source.

Read more… Uncharted Writer Joe Carnahan Wants Naughty Dog’s Help on Film

[] Uncharted Writer Joe Carnahan Wants Naughty Dog’s Help on Film

Tarantino’s Suicide Squad is the Greatest Team-Up We’ll Never See []

Tarantino’s Suicide Squad is the Greatest Team-Up We’ll Never See []

I’m pretty sure we’re all aware that Suicide Squad is a thing and, yes, it looks like it could be awesome. But what if it were brought to you by the one-and-only Quentin Tarantino? Well, then I think it would be too awesome and we would all explode in a giant fireball of awesomeness.

Read more… Tarantino’s Suicide Squad is the Greatest Team-Up We’ll Never See

[] Tarantino’s Suicide Squad is the Greatest Team-Up We’ll Never See

Sunday’s Best Deals: Robotic Vacuum, Kindle Ebooks, Lodge Skillet []

Sunday’s Best Deals: Robotic Vacuum, Kindle Ebooks, Lodge Skillet []

Samsung’s robotic vacuum, Kindle ebooks, and a Lodge skillet lead off Sunday’s best deals.

Read more… Sunday’s Best Deals: Robotic Vacuum, Kindle Ebooks, Lodge Skillet

[] Sunday’s Best Deals: Robotic Vacuum, Kindle Ebooks, Lodge Skillet

J.K. Rowling Says Harry Potter is Done After Cursed Child []

J.K. Rowling Says Harry Potter is Done After Cursed Child []

It’s an exciting weekend to be a Harry Potter fan, but it might also be a depressing one. Author J.K. Rowling has confirmed (or “confirmed,” as I’m gonna put it) that the story of our beloved Boy Who Lived has come to an end.

Read more… J.K. Rowling Says Harry Potter is Done After Cursed Child

[] J.K. Rowling Says Harry Potter is Done After Cursed Child

Open Channel: What’s Your Harry Potter-verse Job? []

Open Channel: What’s Your Harry Potter-verse Job? []

It’s a Choose Your Own Adventure of wizarding proportions.

Read more… Open Channel: What’s Your Harry Potter-verse Job?

[] Open Channel: What’s Your Harry Potter-verse Job?

HBO’s Westworld Finally Gets a Release Date []

HBO’s Westworld Finally Gets a Release Date []

It feels like we’ve been waiting for HBO’s Westworld forever. The science fiction western/Firefly with robots was originally supposed to come in 2015, then 2016, then maybe 2017. We recently learned it was definitely coming in October 2016, but now we know exactly when. HBO has unveiled its fall release calendar and here’s when Westworld premieres this year: Sunday, Oct. 2.

Read more… HBO’s Westworld Finally Gets a Release Date

[] HBO’s Westworld Finally Gets a Release Date

Kiefer Sutherland Confirms New Flatliners is Actually a Sequel []

Jared Leto Loves Atlas Shrugged, Because Of Course He Does []

Jared Leto Loves Atlas Shrugged, Because Of Course He Does []

In the latest “surprise no surprise” revelation about Suicide Squad’s Joker, turns out the actor behind him has the most predictably unpredictable taste in books.

Read more… Jared Leto Loves Atlas Shrugged, Because Of Course He Does

[] Jared Leto Loves Atlas Shrugged, Because Of Course He Does

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Horrifying Reason Siberia Is Dealing With an Anthrax Outbreak []

The Horrifying Reason Siberia Is Dealing With an Anthrax Outbreak []

In a news report that could easily be the plot of a cult horror movie, an anthrax outbreak has swept the remote Yamalo-Nenets district of western Siberia, killing 1,500 reindeer since Sunday. According to NBC News, authorities think the outbreak began when some zombie anthrax thawed out of an infected reindeer corpse and woke up.

Read more… The Horrifying Reason Siberia Is Dealing With an Anthrax Outbreak

[] The Horrifying Reason Siberia Is Dealing With an Anthrax Outbreak

Tom Holland Hints at How Captain America: Civil War Affects Spider-Man Homecoming []

These Are the Four Stages of Your Brain on Math []

These Are the Four Stages of Your Brain on Math []

Have you ever wondered what your brain is really doing as you sweat your way through a math test? Now you can see for yourself, thanks to a new brain imaging study from Carnegie Mellon University that captured the brain activity of people in the act of solving math problems.

Read more… These Are the Four Stages of Your Brain on Math

[] These Are the Four Stages of Your Brain on Math

James Franco and Dennis Quaid Join the Intriguing Scifi Film Kin []

James Franco and Dennis Quaid Join the Intriguing Scifi Film Kin []

An ex-con and his adopted brother are on the run from the authorities, an evil criminal, and enhanced soldiers. Outnumbered, the only way they’ll survive is by finding a mysterious, ancient weapon in Kin, an upcoming scifi film by Josh and Jonathan Baker.

Read more… James Franco and Dennis Quaid Join the Intriguing Scifi Film Kin

[] James Franco and Dennis Quaid Join the Intriguing Scifi Film Kin

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Book Comes Out Tonight And Everyone’s Freaking Out []

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Book Comes Out Tonight And Everyone’s Freaking Out []

You wouldn’t think a play in book form would be the most-anticipated novel of the year, and yet here we are. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Parts 1 & 2, the printed script of the West End play, debuts at midnight Sunday and the world is going nuts.

Read more… Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Book Comes Out Tonight And Everyone’s Freaking Out

[] Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Book Comes Out Tonight And Everyone’s Freaking Out

Astronaut Academy, a.k.a. ‘Harry Potter in Space,’ Gets Optioned for TV and Film []

CEO of Soylent Charged For Building Trash-Filled ‘Experimental Living Facility’ in LA []

CEO of Soylent Charged For Building Trash-Filled ‘Experimental Living Facility’ in LA []

The CEO of Soylent is disrupting neighborhoods now, and the neighbors aren’t too happy. Rob Rinehart founded Soylent because he wanted to create a product that would provide coders with an easy meal replacement. But his latest product is getting some unwanted attention from the police.

Read more… CEO of Soylent Charged For Building Trash-Filled ‘Experimental Living Facility’ in LA

[] CEO of Soylent Charged For Building Trash-Filled ‘Experimental Living Facility’ in LA

Saturday’s Best Deals: Biscuits, DJI Phantom Bundle, Charging Cables, Knives []

Saturday’s Best Deals: Biscuits, DJI Phantom Bundle, Charging Cables, Knives []

A fantastic DJI Phantom bundle, cooking gloves, and a drop biscuit pan lead off Saturday’s best deals.

Read more… Saturday’s Best Deals: Biscuits, DJI Phantom Bundle, Charging Cables, Knives

[] Saturday’s Best Deals: Biscuits, DJI Phantom Bundle, Charging Cables, Knives

Here Are the Difference Fight Scene Styles Used in the Bourne Movies []

What Happened to WikiLeaks?  []

What Happened to WikiLeaks?  []

WikiLeaks has hit rock bottom. Once dedicated to careful vetting and redaction—sometimes too much redaction—the “whistleblower site” is now gleefully basking in its dump of thousands of emails hacked from the Democratic National Committee—most of which are full of personal, non-newsworthy information—published with the express intent of harming Hillary Clinton’s political campaign. In this latest release, there is no brave whistleblower in sight, just an anonymous hacker believed by the FBI and U.S. intelligence community to be a front for Russian intelligence services. The WikiLeaks project has fallen far from the lofty heights of its founding a decade ago, when Julian Assange promised to “facilitate safety in the ethical leaking movement.”

Read more… What Happened to WikiLeaks? 

[] What Happened to WikiLeaks? 

Turns Out Killer Croc Wasn’t Suicide Squad’s First-Choice Monster []

Turns Out Killer Croc Wasn’t Suicide Squad’s First-Choice Monster []

It looks like Killer Croc originally had some steep competition to be on the Suicide Squad. If things had been different, we would’ve gotten an entirely different monster on the team.

Read more… Turns Out Killer Croc Wasn’t Suicide Squad’s First-Choice Monster

[] Turns Out Killer Croc Wasn’t Suicide Squad’s First-Choice Monster

The Uncharted Movie Is Once Again Being Charted With a Brand New Writer []

The Uncharted Movie Is Once Again Being Charted With a Brand New Writer []

Rumbling about a movie based on the hit game series Uncharted have come and gone over the years. So it’s no surprise that now, hot off the heels of the latest game, the film adaptation is gearing up once again.

Read more… The Uncharted Movie Is Once Again Being Charted With a Brand New Writer

[] The Uncharted Movie Is Once Again Being Charted With a Brand New Writer

Overwatch Fans Have Turned Soldier 76 Into A Dad []

Overwatch Fans Have Turned Soldier 76 Into A Dad []

Most Overwatch characters are not related to each other, but as far as the community is concerned? The roster might as well be a big ‘ol family. Soldier 76, with his grumpy gruffness and ample experience in the field, is of course the dad.

Read more… Overwatch Fans Have Turned Soldier 76 Into A Dad

[] Overwatch Fans Have Turned Soldier 76 Into A Dad

Watch a Guy Chop Down a Tree and Make a Longbow Out of It []

The Next Avengers Movie Is Called Infinity War, But We Don’t Know About the One After That []

Benedict Cumberbatch Says a Journey From Fact to Faith Is at the Heart of Doctor Strange []

Benedict Cumberbatch Says a Journey From Fact to Faith Is at the Heart of Doctor Strange []

Rarely do characters go through as dramatic a change as Stephen Strange will in the upcoming Marvel movie, Doctor Strange. He’ll go from being a highly clinical, science-based surgeon to an ethereal, mystical being. Speaking with io9, actor Benedict Cumberbatch explained why that was so crucial and exciting.

Read more… Benedict Cumberbatch Says a Journey From Fact to Faith Is at the Heart of Doctor Strange

[] Benedict Cumberbatch Says a Journey From Fact to Faith Is at the Heart of Doctor Strange

The Chanels Are Back and Bitchy as Ever in This New Scream Queens Promo []

The Chanels Are Back and Bitchy as Ever in This New Scream Queens Promo []

In a promo entitled “We’re back, idiot hookers,” Scream Queens assures one and all that nuclear-strength mean-girl mojo will still be a major part of the Ryan Murphy horror comedy’s second season—even if circumstances have changed for the catty trio since leaving their killer-plagued sorority house.

Read more… The Chanels Are Back and Bitchy as Ever in This New Scream Queens Promo

[] The Chanels Are Back and Bitchy as Ever in This New Scream Queens Promo

You Can Watch 8 Minutes Of That Cheesy Mr. Robot Horror Film Online []

You Can Watch 8 Minutes Of That Cheesy Mr. Robot Horror Film Online []

The previous episode of Mr. Robot finally gave us an origin story for the F Society, specifically where the group got its weird, Monopoly Man-inspired mask that has become its symbol and it comes from a fake 1980s horror film that you can watch online.

Read more… You Can Watch 8 Minutes Of That Cheesy Mr. Robot Horror Film Online

[] You Can Watch 8 Minutes Of That Cheesy Mr. Robot Horror Film Online

Watch a Katana Bend When It Hits Liquid []

Monday, August 29, 2016

ThinkGeek Brought Back Their Summer Sale with Up to 60% Off []

ThinkGeek Brought Back Their Summer Sale with Up to 60% Off []

Once again, the geekiest of destinations, ThinkGeek, is having a massive sale. If you didn’t stock up on everything geekdom has to offer, now’s your chance. Grab up to 65% off all your geek essentials, like a Pac-Man Ghost lamp, Star Trek pajamas, even a Han Solo in Carbonite rug.

Read more… ThinkGeek Brought Back Their Summer Sale with Up to 60% Off

[] ThinkGeek Brought Back Their Summer Sale with Up to 60% Off

These Deep Trenches on Mars Aren’t What We Thought They Were []

These Deep Trenches on Mars Aren’t What We Thought They Were []

The surface of Mars is lined with mysterious deep-carved trenches. A long-standing theory suggesting that the were left long ago by flowing rivers was just debunked. So where did these trenches come from?

Read more… These Deep Trenches on Mars Aren’t What We Thought They Were

[] These Deep Trenches on Mars Aren’t What We Thought They Were