Sunday, August 28, 2016

In All Seriousness, Was the Suicide Squad Set an Actual Circle of Hell? []

In All Seriousness, Was the Suicide Squad Set an Actual Circle of Hell? []

There is literally no way the actual movie could be crazier than the stories we keep getting about what the cast suffered during filming. Every single day, I think there can’t possibly be more. And every single day I am proven wrong. Often, more than once in a single 24-hour period. And now, parts, like, 4,000-4,005 of an 11,000-part series I’m now calling, “Holy crap, what happened to you people?”

Read more… In All Seriousness, Was the Suicide Squad Set an Actual Circle of Hell?

[] In All Seriousness, Was the Suicide Squad Set an Actual Circle of Hell?

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