Tuesday, August 30, 2016

What Happened to WikiLeaks?  [cheapestps3controller269.blogspot.com]

What Happened to WikiLeaks?  [cheapestps3controller269.blogspot.com]

WikiLeaks has hit rock bottom. Once dedicated to careful vetting and redaction—sometimes too much redaction—the “whistleblower site” is now gleefully basking in its dump of thousands of emails hacked from the Democratic National Committee—most of which are full of personal, non-newsworthy information—published with the express intent of harming Hillary Clinton’s political campaign. In this latest release, there is no brave whistleblower in sight, just an anonymous hacker believed by the FBI and U.S. intelligence community to be a front for Russian intelligence services. The WikiLeaks project has fallen far from the lofty heights of its founding a decade ago, when Julian Assange promised to “facilitate safety in the ethical leaking movement.”

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http://gizmodo.com/what-happened-to-wikileaks-1784455507 What Happened to WikiLeaks? 

[cheapestps3controller269.blogspot.com] What Happened to WikiLeaks? 

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