Monday, October 31, 2016

Video Called ‘Moving Plant to the Left 3,000 Times’ Shows Plant Being Moved to the Left 3,000 Times []

Video Called ‘Moving Plant to the Left 3,000 Times’ Shows Plant Being Moved to the Left 3,000 Times []

In his most recent upload, Schnooleheletteletto pushes a potted plant to the left—with varying degrees of force—3,000 times over the course of 77 minutes. This is a classic Schnoo troll, one that bears more resemblance to an art project than the sort of disingenuous mockery we usually association the word with.

Read more… Video Called ‘Moving Plant to the Left 3,000 Times’ Shows Plant Being Moved to the Left 3,000 Times

[] Video Called ‘Moving Plant to the Left 3,000 Times’ Shows Plant Being Moved to the Left 3,000 Times

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