Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Gutting NASA’s Earth Science Division Would Send Research Back to the Dark Ages [cheapestps3controller269.blogspot.com]

Gutting NASA’s Earth Science Division Would Send Research Back to the Dark Ages [cheapestps3controller269.blogspot.com]

Norm Nelson is interested in what makes the oceans tick. As a biological oceanographer at UC Santa Barbara, his research draws connections between sunlight and phytoplankton, the tiny green microbes that power the marine carbon cycle. There are plenty of outstanding questions Nelson wants to pursue—but after 30…

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http://gizmodo.com/gutting-nasas-earth-science-division-would-send-researc-1789569572 Gutting NASA’s Earth Science Division Would Send Research Back to the Dark Ages

[cheapestps3controller269.blogspot.com] Gutting NASA’s Earth Science Division Would Send Research Back to the Dark Ages

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