Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Matthew McConaughey Chose The Dark Tower Over Guardians of the Galaxy, But Who Was He Going To Play? [cheapestps3controller269.blogspot.com]

Matthew McConaughey Chose The Dark Tower Over Guardians of the Galaxy, But Who Was He Going To Play? [cheapestps3controller269.blogspot.com]

Actors on the level of Matthew McConaughey often turn down the biggest roles imaginable for any number of reasons. What we rarely hear, though, is their reasoning, and in a new interview, McConaughey explains why he turned down a role in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, but did choose to appear in The Dark Tower.

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http://io9.gizmodo.com/matthew-mcconaughey-chose-the-dark-tower-over-guardians-1790636241 Matthew McConaughey Chose The Dark Tower Over Guardians of the Galaxy, But Who Was He Going To Play?

[cheapestps3controller269.blogspot.com] Matthew McConaughey Chose The Dark Tower Over Guardians of the Galaxy, But Who Was He Going To Play?

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