Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Donald Trump Interrupts Star Wars to Provoke Actual War [cheapestps3controller269.blogspot.com]

Donald Trump Interrupts Star Wars to Provoke Actual War [cheapestps3controller269.blogspot.com]

The press along for the ride on Air Force One today decided to take advantage of the fact that Rogue One was just released on DVD. And they kind of forgot to pause the movie while President Donald Trump addressed the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government.

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http://io9.gizmodo.com/donald-trump-interrupts-star-wars-to-provoke-actual-war-1794091051 Donald Trump Interrupts Star Wars to Provoke Actual War

[cheapestps3controller269.blogspot.com] Donald Trump Interrupts Star Wars to Provoke Actual War

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